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Leukopenia: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Types





Leukopenia is a medical condition characterised by a decrease in the number of white blood cells in the body. In this blog post, the symptoms of leukopenia are discussed, along with its causes, types and treatment options.

Symptoms of Leukopenia

The symptoms of leukopenia often vary depending on the severity of the condition, but there are some common signs to look out for:

  • Increased susceptibility to infections

Increased susceptibility to infections is one of the major signs of leukopenia. White blood cells are in charge of defending the body from any invasive viruses or germs. When their levels are low, the immune system is compromised, which increases a person's susceptibility to illness. They could have repeated infections like persistent colds, UTIs, or even more serious infections like pneumonia.

  • Fatigue and weakness

Leukopenia also frequently manifests as fatigue and weakness. The body frequently expends more energy on fighting illness if there aren't enough white blood cells to fend against infections. Leukopenia patients may experience persistent fatigue and a loss of energy as a result. Physical activity may be challenging for them, and even routine chores may become taxing.

  • Unusual bleeding and easy bruising

Leukopenia can lead to unusual bleeding and easy bruising. White blood cells are essential to the clotting process because they provide a barrier that stops excessive bleeding. This procedure can be hampered by a lack of white blood cells, which makes it easier for people with leukopenia to undergo irregular bleeding. People may have extended bleeding from even tiny wounds and an increase in bruises without having experienced any severe trauma.

  • Gastrointestinal symptoms

Gastrointestinal issues, including nausea, diarrhoea, or discomfort in the abdomen, can be brought on by leukopenia. Some people who have this illness may get canker sores or mouth ulcers. Due to the gastrointestinal tract's heightened susceptibility to infections, these symptoms include irritation and inflammation.

Causes of Leukopenia

Many causes may contribute to leukopenia. Some of the common leukopenia causes are discussed below:

  • The use of certain drugs or medications

The usage of specific drugs or medications is one factor that might contribute to leukopenia. White blood cell production can be negatively impacted by several treatments, including chemotherapy. These medications are frequently used to treat cancer and while they can be successful in battling the disease, they can also inhibit the bone marrow, which is responsible for producing white blood cells. Leukopenia can occur from this suppression, which can lower the body's total white blood cell count.

  • Autoimmune disorders

Autoimmune disorders are a further potential contributor to leukopenia. When the immune system of the body unintentionally targets its cells, autoimmune disorders result. White blood cells may be attacked and destroyed by the immune system in leukopenia. As a result, there may be a drop in white blood cell count and a higher chance of infection. 

  • Bone marrow problems

Leukopenia can also be caused by issues with the bone marrow. The creation of all blood cells including white blood cells, takes place in the bone marrow. White blood cell production may be reduced if the bone marrow is not working correctly as a result of specific illnesses or disorders. 

  • Viral infections

Leukopenia can also be caused by viral infections. Certain viruses, like HIV, can specifically target and kill white blood cells. The immune system may be weakened, as a result, increasing the risk of infection. 

Types of Leukopenia

There are various types of leukopenia. Some of the common types of leukopenia are discussed below:

  • Neutropenia

Neutropenia, a subtype of leukopenia, occurs when the number of neutrophils in the body drops below the normal range. Neutrophils are crucial components of our immune system, playing a vital role in combating bacterial and fungal infections. 

  • Lymphocytopenia

Lymphocytopenia, characterised by a low lymphocyte count, signifies a reduction in one of the primary types of white blood cells responsible for immune responses. Lymphocytes are divided into two main categories: B-cells and T-cells, each with distinct functions in the immune system.

  • Monocytopenia

Monocytopenia denotes an abnormally low count of monocytes, a type of white blood cell that helps fight infections by engulfing and destroying pathogens. Monocytes also play a key role in regulating inflammation and promoting tissue repair. 

  • Eosinopenia

Eosinopenia refers to a reduction in eosinophil levels, the white blood cells that primarily defend against parasitic infections and moderate allergic reactions. Eosinophils also contribute to tissue repair processes.

  • Basopenia

Basopenia, the diminishing of basophil levels, represents a relatively rare form of leukopenia. Basophils are essential in initiating and regulating allergic responses, as they release histamine and other chemical mediators.

Treatment of Leukopenia

Some of the common treatment approaches for leukopenia are discussed below:

  • Addressing the underlying cause

The most typical method of treating leukopenia entails dealing with the underlying cause. For instance, the doctor may change the prescription's dosage if a medicine is to blame for the disease. An infection that is the cause of leukopenia may be treated with antibiotics. Following the doctor's instructions and taking the whole recommended dosage is essential for optimal treatment.

  • Lifestyle modifications

Leukopenia can be managed with lifestyle changes in addition to the treatment of the underlying cause. A balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, and lean meats can supply the vital elements needed for optimum immunological performance. The immune system's reaction can also be boosted by regular exercise. To stop the transmission of illnesses, it's critical to uphold basic hygiene habits, including routine hand washing and avoiding contact with sick individuals.

  • Medications

In rare instances, when leukopenia becomes severe or does not improve with existing therapies, the doctor may suggest medications that promote the generation of white blood cells or give intravenous immunoglobulin to support the immune system. These alternatives, however, must be utilized with extreme caution and under constant medical supervision.


If you have any leukopenia symptoms, you need to visit an experienced healthcare professional at the soonest. It will ensure that you receive the best treatment for your condition at the earliest. Treatment options for leukopenia include addressing the underlying cause, medications and lifestyle modifications such as maintaining a good diet and hygiene practices such as handwashing.

To get tested whether or not you have leukopenia, you may consider visiting Metropolis Healthcare. Metropolis Healthcare isamong the best pathology labs with hygienic laboratories and experienced pathologists and has great testimonials from its clients.

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