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How to Prevent Hair Fall in Monsoon




As Indians, we associate monsoon with a sense of joy, relief from sweltering summers, and awe-inspiring beauty. However, this season also brings with an unwelcomed guest – hair fall in monsoon. The fluctuating weather patterns can wreak havoc on our hair, making it more prone to breakage and loss.

But why do we experience this increased hair fall during the rainy season? And most importantly, how can we combat it? This article addresses these concerns by exploring the reasons of increased hair fall in the rainy season and provides practical tips on how to prevent hair fall in monsoon.

Why Does Hair Fall Happen in Monsoon?

During monsoon, our hair goes through a lot - from constant exposure to humidity, to changing weather conditions. As a result, our hair becomes brittle and prone to breakage. Under normal circumstances, an average person loses around 50-100 hair strands a day, however, during monsoon season this number can reach over 250 hair strands per day!

This increase is primarily due to the presence of higher humidity levels in the atmosphere that causes our hair to absorb hydrogen. This process makes our hair brittle and fragile, which directly leads to an increase in the hair fall during monsoon. Additionally, lack of essential oils and exposure to rainwater can cause your hair strands to tangle, further escalating hair damage.

Causes of Hair Fall in Monsoon

Let's delve deeper into some common causes behind hair fall in monsoon:

  • High Humidity: Increased moisture in the air weakens strands, making them more susceptible to breakage and frizz.
  • Sweat and Dirt Build-up: Humid weather causes sweating, which further combines with dirt and clogs the hair follicles and cause hair fall in monsoon.
  • Fungal Infections: A damp environment can promote fungal growth on the scalp, leading to conditions such as dandruff, which can lead to hair loss.
  • Acid Rain: Pollutants in rainwater can make it acidic, damaging hair and leading to increased fall.
  • Wet Hair Handling: Hairs are weaker when wet, and frequent wetting and drying can cause them to break more easily.
  • Poor Diet: Changes in dietary habits during the rainy season, such as consuming fewer fresh vegetables and fruits, can impact hair health.
  • Stress and Lifestyle Changes: Monsoon-related stress and lifestyle changes, including changed routines and less physical activity, can influence the health of hair and contribute to hair fall in monsoon.

How to Take Care of Hair in Monsoon?

During the monsoon season, hair requires extra care due to the increased humidity, which can lead to frizz, scalp infections, and hair fall. To prevent hair fall in monsoon, and maintaining healthy hair, it is important to keep it clean and dry, using gentle hair care products, and avoid over-styling. Regularly oiling the hair and using a mild shampoo can help maintain its natural moisture and prevent damage. Additionally, protecting hair from rainwater and avoiding tight hairstyles can reduce stress on the hair and scalp.

Tips for Oily Hair

  • Frequent Washing: Wash your hair regularly with a mild and clarifying shampoo to remove excess oil and dirt.
  • Avoid Heavy Conditioners: Use a light conditioner and focusing only on the ends of your hair to avoid adding extra oil to the scalp.
  • Dry Shampoo: Use dry shampoo to absorb excess oil between washes to keep your hairs look fresh.
  • Cool Water Rinse: Rinse your hair with cool water to close the pores on your scalp to reduce oil secretion.

Tips for Dry Hair

  • Hydrating Shampoo and Conditioner: Use moisturizing shampoo and conditioner to restore lost moisture and moisturize the hair.
  • Regular Oiling: Apply natural oils such as coconut or olive to your hair and scalp regularly to nourish and strengthen dry hair.
  • Limit Heat Styling: To prevent further drying out of your hair, avoid excessive use of heated styling tools such as hair dryers, straighteners and curling irons.
  • Leave-In Conditioners: To provide additional moisture and protection against frizz make use leave-in conditioners or hair serums.

Tips to Prevent Hair Fall in Monsoon

Here are some effective strategies to prevent hair fall in monsoon:

  • Let your hair dry naturally after washing.
  • Instead of a rough towel, use a microfiber towel for drying.
  • Avoid excessive use of styling tools like straighteners or curlers.
  • Use a wide-toothed comb to detangle your hair.
  • Keep your scalp and hair covered when stepping out in the rain.
  • Oil your hair regularly to keep the scalp hydrated.

Why Does Early Hair Fall Screening Matter?

Early detection of hair fall is crucial as it can help identify the underlying cause of hair loss early, facilitating prompt intervention and treatment. Early detection of hair fall can help prevent further hair loss and increase the effectiveness of treatment. It can also help to diagnose the underlying conditions such as hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and scalp infections that may be causing hair loss.


Is it normal to experience hair fall during monsoon?

Yes, it is common to experience increased hair fall in rainy season due to fluctuating weather conditions and increased humidity.

Does hair fall increase in monsoon?

Yes, high humidity and frequent weather changes during monsoons can lead to increased hair fall during monsoon.

How can you treat monsoon-related hair issues?

By keeping your scalp clean, maintaining good hygiene, eating a balanced diet, and using gentle hair care products, you can effectively manage monsoon-related hair issues.


You don't have to worry about excessive hair fall in monsoon. With these insights and tips, you are now better equipped to prevent hair fall in rainy season so you can enjoy the refreshing rain without worrying about your locks. Remember that each person's hair is unique; it may not work for another. Therefore, it's recommended to consult healthcare providers for personalised advice.

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