Consultant Pathologist, Global reference lab
MD Pathology
Specialised Chemistry, Transplant Immunology (HLA), Neurochemistry, Haematology
Consultant pathologist looking into specialized chemistry, Global reference lab
MD Pathology
Specialised Chemistry
Chief of Lab, Dr Patel Metropolis Healthcare Pvt Ltd
DCP, MD Microbiology
Chemistry, Infectious diseases
Infectious diseases
Head- Lab Operations
Clinical Pathology
Vice President, Director and Chief of Lab of Ekopath Metropolis Lab
MD Pathology
Cytopathology, Urogenital Pathology, Renal Pathology
Regional Chief of Laboratory Services for Rajkot and Rest of Gujarat (ROG)
MBBS, DCP (Pathology)
Haemat & Transplant immunology
Specialised Chemistry, Haematology
Lab Director & Chief Of Laboratory, Micron Metropolis Healthcare Pvt Ltd.
MD Pathology
Haemat & Transplant immunology
Haematopathology, Haematology, Blood Banking
Regional Chief of lab
MD Pathology
Histopathology, Cytopathology, Genetics & Genomics
Flow cytometry, Transplant Immunology (HLA), Histopathology, Oncopathology, Nephropathology
Head of dept and Consultant Pathologist, Global reference lab
MD Pathology
Histopathology, Cytopathology, Genetics & Genomics
Cytopathology, Histopathology
Senior Consultant, Molecular Genomics, Genetic Counselor, Global reference lab, Metropolis Healthcare Ltd
Histopathology, Cytopathology, Genetics & Genomics
Clinical Genetics, Molecular Pathology, Reproductive Genetics