Preventive Healthcare
Obesity: Facts you must know about

What is Obesity?
Obesity is defined as too much body mass. It is a condition that can lead to the accumulation of body fat with poor health.
Obesity may happen with time when you take more calories than you lose. When you take a high amount of calories like high sugar and high-fat foods and do not lose these calories through physical activity, these extra calories get stored in your body as fat. Obesity is absolutely not a disease, but too much fat can enhance the chances of other diseases like diabetes, heart disease, etc.
Therefore, losing excess weight is always advisable to positively impact your health. Many obese people try to lose their weight, but maintaining the weight off is as important as losing it for the first time.
Is Obesity Defined by Your Weight?
In most of the conditions, obesity is defined by your weight. If your weight is more than what is considered as healthy as per your height, then you are either overweight or obese. Body Mass Index (BMI) is an effective tool to know whether you are obese, overweight, or have a healthy weight.
Here is the chart indicating the relation between weight and BMI for people ages 20 or older
Health Condition |
Below 18.5 |
Underweight |
18.5-24.9 |
Healthy |
25-29.9 |
Overweight |
30 and above |
Obese |
A BMI under 18.5 indicates that being underweight means you have to put on weight. You must consult a dietician for weight gain. However, a BMI between 18.5 to 24.9 indicates that you have a healthy weight. Maintaining a healthy weight can lower the risk of health problems. On the other hand, a BMI between 25-29.9 indicates that you are slightly overweight and must lose some weight for good health reasons. Any BMI above 30 is an alarming condition of obesity, and the person has a health risk if he does not lose weight.
Although the BMI tool works in most conditions, it comes with its limitations. It does not consider your body fat location. Usually, belly fat (which accumulates around your middle and increases your waist by an inch) is a significant cause of health issues. Nevertheless, you must also consider the location of fat accumulation in your body to get an exact idea about your obesity or overweight condition. Also, the BMI calculation does not work for athletes. They have higher BMI and are overweight because of body fat, but that extra weight is because of muscle mass.
What are the Three Types of Obesity?
Even though obesity is a singular disorder, doctors have classified three types of obesity based on the degree to which you have grown obese. This is crucial to understand as it helps decide the obesity treatment procedure to follow. The three types are:
- Class I Obesity: This class comprises of people with a BMI of 30-35 kg/m2
- Class II Obesity: This second class consists of people who have a BMI of 35-40 kg/ m2
- Class III Obesity: The final class of obesity groups those with a BMI of over 40 kg/ m2
What is Morbid Obesity?
Morbid obesity is an outdated term that was previously used to define those with Class III obesity. The word was used to signify that such people are in dire need of obesity treatment or obesity therapies. However, it is not used anymore due to its negative connotation.
How is Childhood Obesity Assessed?
While obesity is a disorder generally associated with adults, doctors have also begun to notice childhood obesity in different countries. The causes of obesity in children, however, are still being researched. Generally, a child is considered to be obese if they have a BMI that is 90% higher than other children of his age. However, no set BMI figures exist to create a definite formula for children.
How Common is Obesity?
While some may think that obesity is not a common occurrence, the numbers say otherwise.
According to WHO statistics, there are over a billion people in the world who are obese today. If we divide it, the numbers stand at 650 million adults, 340 adolescents, and 39 million children, and the numbers are growing. By some estimates, by 2025, there will be 167 million people who will be suffering from some obesity-related problem. Therefore, it is crucial to take obesity prevention measures if one exhibits any obesity symptoms.
How Does Obesity Affect My Body?
Obesity affects the body in various ways; some may have prominent symptoms, and others may have subtle ones. Moreover, not every person exhibits similar obesity symptoms. The effects may vary, depending on the cause of obesity in a person. Some effects are noticeable, such as extra weight leading to added pressure on your bones and joints, resulting in joint and muscle pain. Other effects are more subdued, such as chemical changes leading to enhanced risk for diabetes and stroke.
Other causal links, such as obese people developing a higher risk of certain types of cancers etc., are difficult to explain. However, it is well-accepted now that obesity increases your chances of premature death. Here are more ways in which obesity disease affects the human body and its normal functioning:
Metabolic Changes
The body's metabolic system helps to break down food and convert it into usable energy that fuels the body's cells. It is an intelligent mechanism that stores unused calories as lipids in adipose tissue, otherwise called fat cells. If your body does not use the stored lipids, it runs out of adipose tissue to store any excess lipids. Therefore, at this point, the fat cells themselves become enlarged to take in more lipids.
In turn, these enlarged fat cells release certain hormones and enzymes, which produce an inflammatory response in the body. These inflammatory responses in the body can lead to several adverse effects in the body. One of the most crucial ways it affects the body is by reducing the impact of insulin on the body, a hormone secreted by the pancreas, the only one capable of reducing the concentration of blood glucose and lipids.
This further leads to a complete metabolic disorder in the body and disrupts the balance of cholesterol and triglycerides. Moreover, these collectively reduce the body's ability to shed weight naturally. Eventually, the body starts gaining even more weight than before, which leads to other associated disorders like:
- Cardiovascular Diseases: High levels of cholesterol directly lead to heart blockages, arterial disease, heart attacks, and strokes. This is why heart disease is the leading reason for early death worldwide.
- Liver Diseases: While the liver is responsible for most of the body's digestion, the excess fat blocks the normal functioning of the liver, leading to liver failure or cirrhosis.
- Diabetes: Obesity is the leading cause of Type-2 diabetes in the world. Since insulin functioning is reduced, it results in high blood glucose, leading to diabetes.
- Kidney Disease: Obesity leads to high cholesterol, which puts more pressure on your kidney, as high cholesterol interrupts the blood flow to the kidneys. This increases the chances of chronic kidney disease and eventual kidney failure.
- Gallstones: High cholesterol levels get deposited in the gall bladder, leading to the formation of gallstones over time. The only way to remove gallstones, moreover, is through expensive surgery.
Direct Effects
Obesity has several direct effects that can be seen in the body over time. Some of the most commonly occurring chronic diseases being seen worldwide, which include:
- Sleep apnea
- Osteoarthritis
- Back and knee pain
- Gout
- Asthma
While none of these diseases are fatal, they are severely debilitating and can decrease the quality of life. Thus, it would be best if you immediately went in for obesity treatment in case of any obesity symptoms. After all, there are several obesity therapies possible if you have Class I or Class II obesity.
Indirect Effects
Obesity is also indirectly related to:
- Poor health and lifestyle
- Mental and cognitive disorders
- Depression and anxiety disorders
- Certain cancers like pancreatic and colorectal
- Infertility and pregnancy problems
While these may not be directly related to obesity, they are often found together in patients.
What Causes Obesity?
The primary cause of obesity is excessive consumption of calories to the amount spent. Some other associated reasons, like hormonal problems that include declining estrogen because of menopause, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), etc., which unfortunately are not always in our hands, can lead to obesity.
Moreover, there are other social factors and psychological factors like sadness, anxiety, and other emotions that always play a role in causing obesity. Thus, the causes of obesity are diverse and not always apparent. Some of these include:
- Dietary Choices
Your diet is the primary causal agent behind your obesity, and there is no greater truth than this. Modern lifestyle has promoted fast food consumption and convenient-to-cook food such as instant noodles and pizzas. Other culprits include sugared food such as creams, cakes, and pastries. These collectively make up your dietary choices and are the leading agents behind chronic obesity.
- Hormonal Problems
Certain hormones, such as thyroid and estrogen, significantly regulate insulin function, blood sugar, and body fat levels. Thus, a disorder in any of these crucial hormones often plays a role in obesity. However, this kind of obesity is controllable with medicines, and timely obesity treatment can radically reduce these kinds of problems.
- Psychological Problems
It has been scientifically proven that there is a direct link between obesity and mental disorders like depression and anxiety disorders. Poor mental health often leads to other bad lifestyle choices, including overeating, lack of exercise and activity, excessive stress, tension, etc., leading to associated hormone imbalance.
- Medications
Certain medications for chronic conditions will cause you to gain weight. Over time, as the body becomes used to the medication dosage, your doctor might prescribe a higher dosage to offset the effects of medicine resistance. Eventually, this leads to obesity. Some of the primary medicines in this category include anti-depressants, steroids, diabetes meds, and beta blockers.
- Genetics
Your genes are also responsible for obesity and overweight. Certain genetic traits, such as a large appetite, are passed on from parents to children. This will make it more challenging to lose weight.
While these are the direct causes of obesity and directly affect your physical state, some other social causes and factors also play a role in a person getting obesity. These include:
- Professional Lifestyle
It has been proven that people with a desk job are more likely to get obese than those who work actively in some aspect. So, your professional work style has a vital role in deciding whether you become obese or not. Therefore, if you have a desk job that requires you to sit for long hours, you should exercise during your free hours. Otherwise, you also might need the obesity treatment soon.
- Screen Time
Another essential reason behind the increasing numbers of obesity worldwide is the prevalence of computer and mobile screens. People spending more time sitting or lying down is indirectly leading to a global obesity epidemic.
- Fatigue and Tiredness
Another culture of modern lifestyles is the long working hours, which leaves them physically and mentally exhausted, with no energy to take a few laps around the track or visit the gym. This lack of exercise and stressful work environments eventually lead to obesity.
- Drinking Out
While people may have a singular drink in their home, they are more likely to drink quite a few glasses when they hang out with friends at a bar. The alcohol contributes to the calories, associated food, and other items that only add to the list. That is why frequent drinkers are more likely to suffer from obesity at some point in their lives.
- Lack of Playtime for Children
The lack of playtime in children is a leading cause of obesity in children as most of them, nowadays, are glued to screens, whether mobile phones, laptops, or TVs. With no playtime at all during the day, children are showing an increased prevalence of contracting obesity.
These are the most palpable causes of obesity that play a significant role in the general population's life. If you feel that you have more than three causes in your life and you are overweight, then you should consult a specialist and get obesity treatment at the earliest! Early treatment of obesity can help you to shed that extra weight and live a healthy life.
How is Obesity Diagnosed?
There is no surefire way to diagnose if you are obese or not other than the BMI figure. However, doctors prefer to look for definite obesity symptoms, which can tell a better story. Therefore, you can expect your healthcare professional to ask questions about your lifestyle, work hours, professional job profile, exercise hours, and activity. Moreover, the doctor might also want to know about your medical history and if you have any chronic disorders as such.
Furthermore, to get the basics right, you may be prescribed a few tests of your lipid profile, heart and lung function, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. Collectively, these will help to show if you genuinely suffer from obesity or not. Even if you have the chance of getting in the near future, that too can be diagnosed effectively.
How is Obesity Treated?
Obesity treatment varies from person to person, depending on the underlying cause behind it. Thus, your specialist will consider your complete medical and lifestyle history before opting for any obesity therapy.
If weight loss is the primary target, the healthcare specialist may prescribe some form of medication for a quick result before switching to a more gradual weight-loss plan. However, if you need a lifestyle change primarily, he may suggest preventative measures that will be prolonged but, if done right, will be sustainable. Therefore, depending on the cause of your obesity and your medical history, your obesity treatment routine may include:
Dietary Changes
Your diet is often the primary reason behind your obesity. Therefore, one should consult a nutritionist, who can chalk out a complete diet plan that considers any underlying conditions you may have that result in obesity.
For instance, eating green and leafy vegetables with good fiber content is one of the best ways to shed weight. Moreover, this also improves gut health and metabolism, helping to dial back the metabolic disorder caused by excess blood sugar and lipids.
Increased Activity
Increasing your daily activity metrics is another surefire way to lose weight gradually and healthily.
Simple exercises like walking and jogging can benefit your body from day one. Moreover, it would be best if you also made it a point to engage in some activity for about 30 minutes after having a meal, such as lunch and dinner. This helps to improve the metabolic rate, helping your body break down food faster, improving overall digestion, and preventing weight gain.
Behavioural Therapies
Behavioural therapies such as group counseling and sessions can help to reprogram the brain and reinforce positive behaviours. It is a subconscious conditioning that helps to reduce the propensity of an obese person towards adverse behavioural trends such as overeating and overindulgence.
Behavioural therapy can also help to manage stress and tension-related disorders, as well as other anxiety disorders and mood swings. Thus, it helps remove the root causes of obesity and improve lifestyles. Moreover, it provides much-needed emotional support through support groups for others with similar problems.
While medication is not the first step that a specialist will resort to, however, in the case of Class III obesity, medication is the only way in the preliminary stages. But, for Class I and Class II obesity, medications that are prescribed are mostly to reduce appetite and reduce hunger.
While some medications will help to dissolve the lipids in the fatty tissues, they cannot be administered for extended periods without side effects. Therefore, specialists usually prescribe such medicines at the first stage and track the results before resorting to more extreme measures such as invasive surgery.
Moreover, if you suffer from chronic mental disorders, it is not easy to take you off their prescribed medication. During such times, the only way out is to manage the obesity symptoms with other medicines. On the other hand, if you suffer from obesity due to hormonal disorders, the route is much simpler. After all, a hormone regulator medicine will do the trick and prevent further weight gain, while the existing weight can then be reduced using natural means.
Weight Loss Surgery
This is the final frontier of obesity treatment and is usually reserved for Class III obese people only. Weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery involves the application of a gastric fixture that permanently reduces your cravings and appetites, thus helping you manage your obesity.
However, it is an extreme route, only resorted to by specialists when there is no other option. Even though surgery might seem excessive, some benefits are not possible with any other form of treatment. With surgery, the effects are permanent, and patients can benefit from them for a lifetime.
How Can I Prevent Obesity?
While fighting obesity may seem like an uphill battle, one must consider that the years of accumulated fat will take an equal amount of time to be removed. However, keeping at it with consistency will eventually help you win the battle. Some of the steps you can take to manage your obesity are:
- Regulate Your Diet
The first and foremost thing is to manage and monitor your diet. Consult a nutritionist or chalk out a diet plan with your obesity specialist and stick to it. Add items to your diet that help to shed weight, such as leafy greens, pulses, and millet. Choose lean meats with low-fat content to have a balanced diet.
It will initially seem complicated, but the key is to maintain a regular diet. Over time, the effects will exponentially increase, and you will start shedding weight faster.
- Indulge in a Regular Activity
You need some exercise during the day, even if it is small. There is no need to run laps around the track if you want to shed weight. Start with a simple exercise like walking, and then work up. While the gym is an excellent place to lose weight, especially with weight training, it is unnecessary.
Try to involve yourself in a sport for an overall exercise routine that is simple and yet beneficial. Swimming or cycling is the right fit to shed weight fast and maintain a steady activity routine.
- Embrace Healthy Lifestyle
While dieting and exercising will help you shed weight, it is vital to maintain a healthy lifestyle if you want to sustain the results. Thus, avoid overdrinking and overindulgence, maintain a healthy routine, get adequate sleep, and maintain your mental health for an overall wellness routine.
What is the Outlook for Me if I Have Obesity?
If you have obesity, makes you naturally prone to several bodily disorders and associated risks. However, it is not game over for you! Remember that even a weight loss of 5 to 10% can reduce the magnitude of your risks. Thus, the key is not to get anxious about obesity but to accept it and decide to fight.
Moreover, even if you are showing signs of becoming obese, they are very much controllable once you follow the proper steps. So, getting obese is not the end of the world. Consult a specialist, talk with them about your options and the remedies, and set your mind to following the routine. Remember that fighting obesity is all about self-discipline more than anything else. Once you have that, the rest is easy!
If you have the first signs of obesity, you must consult your healthcare provider. You may need to take certain medications or follow a diet plan as per the severity to reduce weight. The healthcare provider may further suggest some tests, including cholesterol tests, to determine the level of obesity. Get your cholesterol level tested at your home with a home collection service by experienced professionals at Metropolis Labs, and get a quick and accurate test report at your doorstep!