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Beta HCG Test: What It Is, Levels, Pregnancy And How It Works



Human chorionic gonadotropin, or HGC, is a hormone secreted by the female body during pregnancy. It is released by the placenta and can help determine the stages of pregnancy. An HCG test is a routine test performed on pregnant women. This test has no side effects on the foetus. If you are expecting a child, you must know about the HCG test in detail.

Types of HCG Test

An HCG test is usually performed in women to determine pregnancy or the state of pregnancy. It is one of the most important tests conducted for pregnant women. This test can help the doctor diagnose and confirm multiple aspects of pregnancy. Another name for the HCG test is the beta HCG test. There are two types of HCG tests that are commonly done.

  • An HCG blood test: It helps to determine the HCG levels in the blood. The vein is punctured to collect blood in a vial during a blood test. The collected blood is then evaluated in the laboratory for the serum test. The HCG blood test is a qualitative test known as the serum or the beta HCG test. It helps to determine the HCG levels to understand whether the female is pregnant. In pregnant women, it also helps to determine the progression and well-being of the pregnancy. If the HCG levels are normal, it means the baby is healthy. 
  • HCG Urine test: It helps to determine the HCG levels in pregnant women. After ten days of fertilisation, the HCG levels begin to rise in the urine of the female. It is a clear indication of pregnancy. Urine tests can also be used for an HCG pregnancy test. The level of HCG can indicate various things, such as multiple pregnancies, risks of miscarriage, or an ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, gynecologists often closely monitor the HCG levels of a pregnant woman, especially in the first trimester. 

Who Can Get an HCG Test Done?

The HCG test is mainly performed for the determination of pregnancy and its stages. However, it is also useful in cases involving men. Let us know more about it.

  • Women expecting pregnancy: HCG is a chemical that is produced by the placenta and excreted in the urine. It can be tested as early as ten days after conception. If you have missed your period and are expecting a pregnancy, an HCG test can help confirm it. The HCG test can be done after 7–10 days of a missed period for accurate results.
  • Pregnant women: The HCG levels vary during each week of pregnancy. Therefore, it is essential to keep track of it, especially during the first trimester. Pregnant women are often asked to take an HCG urine test. It helps in identifying the state of pregnancy and the health of the baby. HCG levels are different in women during each week of pregnancy. It is also different if the mother is pregnant with triplets or twins.
  • Men: In men, the beta HCG levels are below two mIU/mL. If the level of beta-HCG is higher than this, it can indicate the presence of a tumour. In most cases of testicular carcinoma, beta HCG tests are conducted as they act as markers for the same. If your doctor is suspecting testicular cancer, this test can help confirm the diagnosis.

What is The Purpose of an HCG Test?

An HCG test can help medical practitioners learn a lot about your pregnancy. Here are some of the most important uses of an HCG test:

  • Detection of pregnancy: If the level of HCG is more than 5 mIU/mL, the female is pregnant. The levels of HCG rise within ten days of pregnancy.
  • Healthy pregnancy: Each week of pregnancy has a range of HCG values. The level of HCG must fall in this range. It is an indication of a healthy pregnancy. It is essential to monitor this range closely in the first trimester.
  • Chances of miscarriage: If the HCG levels are constantly lower than the indicated levels, there are high chances that the pregnancy will not continue and terminate. In such a case, the doctor informs the mother to take extreme care.
  • Ectopic pregnancy: An ectopic pregnancy is when the foetus is attached inside the fallopian tube rather than the uterus. HCG production happens in the fallopian tube attached to the uterus. Thus, the level of HCG is affected in the case of an ectopic pregnancy.
  • Multiple pregnancies: Constant high levels of HCG can be an indicator of multiple pregnancies. A sonogram or an ultrasound can further confirm it. There is a slow surge in the levels of HCG as the body takes time to multiply the production of the chemical in the case of multiple pregnancies.
  • Age of the foetus: With the help of the HCG levels, it is also possible to determine the age of the foetus. As the foetus grows, the mother's body produces more HCG. This can be different during multiple pregnancies (in the case of twins, triplets, etc.).


Pregnancy is a beautiful stage in a woman's life. The chemical HCG, produced in pregnant women, helps determine the stage of pregnancy and the health of the baby. Healthcare practitioners recommend pregnant women undergo an HGC test. Visit Metropolis Healthcare today to learn more about the HCG test and get one done today.

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