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Preventive Healthcare

Top 10 Health Benefits of Morning Walk




People worldwide engage in many physical activities, but walking or jogging can easily be called the easiest and most rigorous way to stay fit. And what better way to start the day than to reap the benefits of a morning walk? But while this is true, many people prefer to hit the gym or work out at home later in the day simply due to a lack of time or motivation to start the day on an active note. 

The benefits of morning walks can outweigh the benefits of all other forms of exercise if done regularly and right. Enjoying the outdoors and meeting people on the way are great add-ons that you can enjoy, along with the health benefits of a morning walk. 

1. Reduces Diabetes Risk

A morning walk can help you burn up to 300 calories by using up stored fats and sugars. It reduces your craving for sweets and helps moderate blood sugar levels. This reduces the risk of Type 2 Diabetes. If you have Diabetes, it is highly recommended that you go for morning walks regularly to keep your sugar levels in check. By regulating the insulin and Glucagon levels in the body, the benefits of morning walks can be highly effective for your body. But it is not advisable to believe there are benefits of a morning walk on an empty stomach. It may cause your blood sugar to drop very quickly. 

2. Improves Sleep

If you are struggling with your sleep, you must try walking early in the morning. The benefits of a morning walk also include mental peace. By starting the day on an active note, you feel more energised and do more throughout the day. With so much energy used up during the day, your body will want to rest as nighttime sets in. As a result, you are bound to feel tired and fall asleep quickly at night. Regular morning walks can significantly improve your sleep cycle.

3. Improves Lung Capacity

When you go for morning walks, your lungs need to pump more oxygen to supplement the energy requirements during walking. Depending on your speed and the area you are walking in (bumpy or smooth), your lungs will moderate the oxygen supply to help you walk so you don't run out of breath. This increases the energy pool in your body cells, thereby increasing the lungs' capacity to hold oxygen. Moreover, your body muscles and tissues will demand more oxygen supply to walk. The net result is that your overall oxygen flow will improve throughout the body.

4. Improves Brain Function

By increasing oxygen supply and blood circulation, the benefits of morning walks also extend to the brain. The overall capacity of the brain improves, helping it function more efficiently. It is said that this can have a long-term effect on preventing diseases like memory degeneration and even Dementia or Alzheimer's. Regular morning walks can also reduce stress levels and improve mental health

5. Tackles Depression

Depression is caused by the inadequate production of endorphins, the hormones that act as a natural pain killer to balance stress levels. The benefits of a morning walk include the proper flow of endorphins in the body. It becomes more regulated and stabilised. The overall effect of this will be the alleviation of depression symptoms because a good walk can leave you feeling more positive and energetic. As an extension of this benefit, related diseases like anxiety can also be tackled. 

6. Moderates Blood Pressure

One of the most significant benefits of morning walks is their effect on regulating blood pressure levels. If you have high blood pressure or very high triglycerides, you need to start going for morning walks. Heavy exercises are not advisable in such situations, and a morning walk can be a great alternative. In the long run, this can reduce the stroke or heart attack risk.

7. Prevents Blockage in the Arteries

People who are at risk of Atherosclerosis can significantly benefit from morning walks. It is a disease that blocks the arteries in the brain, limbs, heart, liver, or kidneys with cholesterol deposits. This has severe implications for your health as this blockage can cut off oxygen and blood supply to these organs, resulting in multiple organ failures. To prevent this, morning walks are recommended to regulate blood and oxygen supply. Regular morning walks can also keep your cholesterol levels in check.

8. Reduces Joint and Muscle Pains

One might think that walking may increase pain in the joints and muscles. But walking allows for free movement of your joints and muscles. Regular walking can eliminate pain and stiffness by supplying enough energy to these body parts. The latter keeps the joints lubricated, which allows for easy movement. 

9. Benefits of Morning Walk on Skin

Many people don't know this, but the benefits of a morning walk on the skin can be very quickly realised. Regular walking boosts blood circulation in the body, which reflects in your glowing skin. Also, the more you sweat during your morning walk, the better it is for the skin that ejects toxins through sweat.

10. Improves Digestion

The benefits of morning walks can also be seen in your digestive system. Since walking uses your core and abdominal muscles, it has an extended effect on your bowel movements which, in turn, improves your digestion. Therefore, it is recommended to go for an early morning walk preceded by a light snack and not on an empty stomach. 
There are other benefits of a morning walk beyond the ones listed here. For example, a morning walk can uplift your mood, apart from rendering a fit body. So, without further thought, get up and start your day afresh with a good walk every day!

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