Allergy Screening
53+ booked in last 3 daysAllergy Screening Test Overview
An allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system that causes undesirable reactions to certain substances like food, dust, pollen, drugs or even animal dander. These reactions normally do not occur in others. The substance causing the reaction is an allergen. Immunoglobin E is an antibody that the body produces in case of an allergic reaction. Allergy screening is often used as an alternative to Phadiotop test for detecting allergies along with Total IgE test. Total IgE test is a blood test used to measure the complete IgE levels in the blood, but it does not indicate what is the specific allergen causing the reaction.
Test Overview
Allergy screening tests are simple medical tests. This is an important way to determine if a person is allergic to certain substances. They allow doctors to diagnose allergies quickly and accurately. There is no need for expensive or invasive diagnostic procedures. It's important to talk to your doctor before undergoing any type of allergy test. This will enable them to evaluate your history. They can then decide which test might be right for you.
What is an Allergy?
An allergy is an immune system hypersensitivity condition. It results in unfavourable reactions to specific items. These reactions could be to various items. These include food, dust, pollen, medications, or even animal dander. Other people typically do not have these reactions.
An allergen is an agent. It triggers the reaction. The body creates the antibody immunoglobin E in the event of an allergic reaction. Along with the Total IgE test, allergy screening is frequently used for the detection of allergies. It is used as an alternative to the Phadiotop test. The total IgE test measures total IgE levels in the blood. But it does not identify the specific allergen that is causing the reaction.
Who should get an allergy screening test?
People with a family history of allergies
Those who experience frequent and/or severe allergic reactions
Those with asthma or other respiratory problems
Those who have chronic eczema or hives
People who have had anaphylaxis
Children under the age of five
People who consume certain foods and drinks frequently
Individuals taking medications that can cause allergic reactions
People exposed to environmental allergens. These could be dust mites, pollen, pet dander, and mold
Blood tests measure the amount of IgE antibodies in the bloodstream.
These tests are reliable. They can detect many allergens at once. These include foods, mold, pollen, chemicals, metals, and leather.
Written by: Dr.Shibani R, Medical Writer, Medical Affairs
Allergy Screening Price
Metropolis Healthcare is a leading diagnostics centre and pathology lab in India equipped with the latest state-of-the-art technologies that provides the Allergy Screening with a clear pricing structure.
The Allergy Screening Price in Mumbai is ₹ 5,935 .
We are committed to deliver accurate and quality results from the best labs in India with complete transparency regarding test cost and turnaround time. No matter where you are, we strive to offer patients high-quality service that is affordable and accessible.
Frequently Asked Questions
It may also be done in cases of suspected allergies due to certain inhalants and environmental factors for further diagnosis. The common symptoms are:
- Itching
- Running nose, sneezing, coughing
- Diarrhoea
- Hives
Certain severe cases may also lead to anaphylactic shock.
The test is used to screen for possible allergies due to pollen, animal dander, trees, grass, weed, mite, insects etc.
Based on these results further specific testing is recommended.
Allergy screening test measures the IgE mediated response to certain inhalant allergens. Further tests to a specific allergen will help in further diagnosis.
Allergy screening test requires a blood sample. A tourniquet (elastic) band is placed tightly on the upper arm. The patient is then asked to make a fist. This helps in the build-up of blood filling the veins. The skin is disinfected before needle insertion and the blood sample is collected in vacutainer.
Positive result indicates presence of an atopic allergy to inhalants. Increased IgE levels indicate that the body is allergic to something. What is the exact source of allergy (allergen) will require further specific testing for the allergen. Based on the symptom, age, environmental allergens, and region wise allergens further testing may be required for specific diagnosis.
Negative result may require other tests for differential diagnosis.
The result of an allergy screening test will depend on the specific test being performed. In general, the results of an allergy screening test may indicate whether a person is allergic to a particular substance or not. Blood tests may measure the level of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies in the body. These can indicate an allergic response.
(IgE-specific antibody) of most patients with food allergy shows negative. However, the fact that they have a history of allergic reactions to foods or the history of other manifestations of atopy, in addition to an eczema rash, there is no doubt that it is a food allergy.
Skin allergy tests and blood allergy tests are performed as needed. This depends on a patient’s symptoms. In general, these tests can be done once every one to two years unless your allergist/immunologist thinks you have developed new allergies or lost old allergies.
Children can be allergic to the same things that adults are allergic to. These include pet dander, dust mites, pollen, food, and insects. It is important to remember that children may react differently than adults.
Testing for allergies on the skin carries very little risk. The actual test is painless. Red, itchy skin at the test sites is the most typical adverse reaction.
- IgE Test
- Allergy Test
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