Natural Capital

Creating a positive impact on our surroundings

Metropolis realizes the value of environmental protection and identifies ways in which the business can contribute to the same. We believe, it is important for us to implement meaningful measures to ensure that our business activities do not leave any negative impact on the environment. In addition, we take necessary actions to mitigate any negative impact of our activities on our surroundings and strive to contribute towards a sustainable tomorrow.

We prioritize energy conservation by following/implementing measures such as regular energy consumption reviews and effective energy utilization control. Our facilities are developed with the goal of minimizing energy loss in mind. We have actively taken all necessary steps to save energy in our workplaces by educating and training our employees.

Besides, the Company uses LED lighting systems in corporate offices and labs, recycles water at our largest laboratory — the global reference laboratory in Mumbai, and has reduced paper usage across all offices and centers.

As a responsible company in the Healthcare industry, we take utmost care for safe disposal of biomedical waste. The Company uses services of agencies, authorized by the Pollution Control Board, for safe disposal of bio-waste.

Social and Environmental Risks and Concerns

The Company provides pathology services which do not pose any environmental risks or concerns. However, we recognize that our operation indirectly impacts the environment. Our safety protocol affirms our commitment of reducing impact on the environment. We do this through a responsible environmental management, conservation, and protection across all our operations.

  • We facilitate the services of agencies authorized by the Pollution Control Board for collecting Biomedical waste from our labs and we follow the guidelines issued by the local municipal governing bodies of different cities and states.
  • We maintain a Power Factor (PF) up to 0.97 unit.
  • We have installed Sewage Water Processing (SWP) at our biggest lab, The Global Reference Lab in Mumbai, and the treated/recycled water is used for toilet flush and gardening.
  • We use LED lights instead of conventional lights for energy saving exercise, at all our corporate offices and labs.

Responsible Use of Natural Resources

At Metropolis, we ensure responsible use of the natural resources by improving the management and efficient use of Metropolis’ finite resources, such as water and energy. We use natural and man-made resources in an optimal and responsible manner, ensuring resource sustainability by reducing, reusing, recycling, and managing waste. Furthermore, wherever possible, we are taking steps to lessen and prevent pollution, and assess environmental damage while bearing the cost of pollution abatement. MHL is constantly striving to create a more positive impact on the environmental by implementing cleaner manufacturing methods, promoting the use of energy efficient and environment-friendly technologies, and promoting the use of renewable energy.

We are developing Environment Management Systems (EMS), and contingency plans and processes, to aid in the prevention, mitigation, and control of environmental damages and disasters caused by our operations or those of a member of our value chain. Furthermore, we are reporting our environmental performance to our stakeholders in a fair and transparent manner, including the assessment of potential environmental risks associated with the operations. Thus, we are actively persuading and assisting the value chain in implementing this policy.